Monday, May 13, 2013

Learning starts now!

School's gone for summer, time to learn, practice and have fun drawing and animating! Because we all know practice makes perfect, my plan is pretty simple : Draw/paint and Animate everyday. I will post my progression on this blog for people to see and to record all I do on the same page.

Of course, learning needs some structure and I have found exercises for me to do. For the painting aspect of my learning, I will do movie studies of the movie The Hobbit.  It is one of my favorite movies of all time and it also happens to be a masterpiece in color, lighting, compositiong, dwarves, orcs, dragons, trees, skies, everything.  I might do some personnal painting between shots if I feel like painting something else than awesomness :).

The animation part is pretty simple. There is a cool list of 51 animation exercises every animators should master on Animator Island :    From bouncing ball to walk cycles to putting pants on, this list covers every elements an animator should know(or learn in my case) and master. I will be doing every exercise in 3D with some of them in 2D when I feel like it (it's all about fun you know!).

I never had a Blog, so I guess I'm learning that too! Yay learning!